Friday, August 5, 2011

The Ying and Yang effect of life

In Asian philosophy, the concept of yin yang, which is often referred to in the West as "yin and yang", is used to describe how polar opposites or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn. Opposites thus only exist in relation to each other.
So the first paragraph was stolen from wikipedia [Thank God for wikipedia]. I put it up there to draw the attention of the readers to what i am driving at. In life there is the opposite to every single thing you thing about. [well literally] i can name a few...
  • Black and White
  • good and evil
  • happiness and sorrow
  • man and woman
  • protons and electrons
  • matter and antimatter [in scientific terms]
  • Light and darkness
  • rich and poor
....and so many more
It is funny how we can never have only one of the above mentioned...there is always something opposite to the first mentioned on each line above. Black compliments white and vice versa. Same theory applies to the others.
Then it suddenly dawned on me that...if there wasn't an opposite to everything, then we really wouldn't see the essence of what the first things was. For example lets take Good and Evil. Imagine a world where everyone/everything was good and there was nothing like evil...everybody did the right thing all the time...Life would have been perfect. But tell me, deep down how many of you want a perfect life? gosh that would have been mighty boring....shit!! doing good all the you people forgotten that human beings were created as sinners! it is a part of us to sin [i hope i don't sound blasphemous] but it's the truth!! no shit!
No crimes, no nothing...we will all be walking around doing the right thing all the time.......hmmm . i mean i would speak for myself, but i know that i enjoy my conscience talking to me once in a while. "Eddie you know what you are doing is not right...think about it" and i still go ahead and stick my middle finger up to my conscience, get into hot trouble small, solve the problem and life moves on. At least in that sense i would have learned something new.
Again..Imagine we were only men walking on this planet. Meeeehn ...that would have been one mighty cockfest on this planet. no boobs?! like seriously!! X_X
So all i am trying to say is, we need these opposites in life....they make us appreciate one better...When you are going through hard times and you think that that is the end of the road, we can at least think about a time when all was well..this gives us hope that there could be better days ahead!! If it was all Sorrow on this planet...i am sure suicide would have been a common thing that the cool kids would do. Or imagine all evil!! would have been chaos all over....
So we realize that, they compliment each other...they make the other have a good reason to exist. They make us appreciate the fact that whatever opposite we look at, there is a good reason as to why it exists. Without the opposites, there wouldn't be balance on earth...
I guess once again Einsten was right with his third law of motion. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction...". The Ying and Yang Effect makes life as we know it, what it is.... Those chinese bastards were smart to recognize Ying Yang early in their civilization. But please run away when you see the Ying Yang Twins..those guys are just retarded :)
So with Ying and Yang......Life continues...


  1. Protons and electrons, not neutrons :p
    But will you say...for instance, good really is the opposite of evil or black, white or even darkness, light? Is "opposite" the right word to use here? And what if the world waas filled with goodness only? Or perfection only? Isn't that what God had in mind when creating the earth till man rebelled (according to christian myth, of course)?

  2. well...yayra you have a point there...but the world as we know it didn't end up one sided...there is a balance of everything....

  3. I think I understand you but I want to make a little clarification. light and darkness are never opposites..darkness is absence of light. You can't produce darkness but u can make light. When there is no light then you have darkness. So if there is perpetual light, darkness can never manifest itself. Now if there was only good, all that we will know will be goodness, how will we miss evil? Where will evil desires or longings come from when all we know is good? How can you miss what you have never had or known?
    I said I understood you. I think you are trying to say that we should appreciate the highs and lows in our weakness (when someone hurts us or we are vulnerable) through that weak stage we become stronger or ill health that we recover from (those viruses) we become more immune to them (healthy) and yeah the opposite of love is fear not hate. I hope I made sense. Lovely post though, I also can't imagine a world without women :)

  4. well said... at least i learned something new from you. Thanks malota4eva :)

  5. But why yu gotta say everything @malota4eva now I have nothing to say hmph.
    Back to the drawing board though. Yin yang is one of the few things I believe in and a lot could be said in relation to it. But @midstreaker01 yu made quite an effort. Doubt anyone can nail it down perfectly.
